The top level of the schema has four main sections:
- machines:
a list of machine definitions that specify the guest type and further specialisations
- network:
the network definition, including switch and topology definition
- tooling:
a list of tools and specialisation to be used with the testbed
- testbed_options:
a list of options to customise the testbed that doesn’t fall under the above sections
These sections are explained further below.
The machine section allows you to define different guests on the testbed. These definitions require you to specify the guest type such as libvirt, docker or avd.
The schema for machines have a few levels of hierarchy to help you define and specialise the guest. At the top level, you can specify the following:
- name:
the unique name of the machine
- network:
optional, a list of interface definitions for the guest
- machine type:
this is the first level of specialisation, you must pick one of the supported guest types
For example, the following are snippets of the relevant parts possible machine definitions:
- name: libvirt-guest
- switch: sw0
mac: "00:00:00:00:00:01"
ip: ""
- name: docker-guest
- switch: sw0
mac: "00:00:00:00:00:01"
ip: ""
- name: avd-guest
- switch: sw0
mac: "00:00:00:00:00:01"
ip: ""
Machines - Libvirt
The libvirt subsection of the schema offers the following libvirt specific options:
- cpus:
number of virtual cpus to assign the guest
- memory_mb:
amount of memory in megabytes to assign the guest
- libvirt_type:
a further specialisation for the different types of libvirt guests, see Libvirt Type for details
- scaling:
optional, allows you to scale out from one machine definition and create clones see Scaling section for more information
The libvirt_type section (see Libvirt Type) requires you to pick from the supported types such as cloud image, existing disk or iso guest. For example, the following are snippets of the relevant parts possible libvirt machine definitions:
- name: cloud-image-guest
name: ubuntu_20_04
- name: existing-disk-guest
path: /path/to/prebuilt/image.img
- name: iso-guest
path: /path/to/install/iso.iso
The scaling option has restrictions on what it can be used with. It can only be used with cloud_image and existing_disk. It cannot exist at the same time as the higher level interfaces section, as it has its own options for this. The following options are supported:
- count:
the number of clones to be made
- interfaces:
optional, a list of bridges and the clone guests assigned to that bridge, each bridge can take a list of clone ids
- shared_setup:
optional, a script that will be executed on the backing image before clones are made
- clone_setup:
optional, a list of scripts and assigned clones that will be executed on the clones
- clone_run:
optional, a list of scripts and assigned clones that will be executed on the clones at the end of orchestration
For example, the following are snippets of the relevant parts possible scaling definitions:
# 1) this snippet will create 2 clones from a cloud image definition (ommited with ...)
# 2) the clones are assigned to separate switches
# 3) the clones will be cloned from an image created with the shared script already executed
# 4) the clones will have a setup script executed on them when they are setup, they both have the same script
- name: scaling-guest
... # 1)
count: 2
interfaces: # 2)
clones: [0]
gateway: ""
ip_type: dynamic
from: "00:00:00:00:00:01"
to: "00:00:00:00:00:01"
clones: [1]
gateway: ""
ip_type: dynamic
from: "00:00:00:00:00:02"
to: "00:00:00:00:00:02"
shared_setup: # 3)
- script:
clones: [0, 1] # 4)
For further information on the libvirt_type sub-schema, see Libvirt Type.
Machines - Docker
The docker subsection of the schema offers the following docker specific options:
- image:
the container image to be used
- command:
a command that will override the image’s CMD, if it exists
- entrypoint:
an entrypoint that will override the image’s ENTRYPOINT, if it exists
- environment:
a key value map of environment variables to give the container
- env_file:
a file containing environment variables, similar to the environment option
- volumes:
a list of mount points from the host to container
- privileged:
option to allow the container to be run as privileged
- device:
a list of device mount points, similar to volumes
These are 1-1 replication from the docker run schema, for more information on the behaviours of these see
For example, the following are snippets of the relevant parts possible docker machine definitions:
- name: nginx
- switch: sw0
mac: "00:00:00:00:00:01"
ip: ""
image: nginx:stable
env_file: docker.env
- source: ${PWD}/html # the schema allows you to reference the project dir as ${PWD}
target: /usr/share/nginx/html
- name: one-off
- switch: sw0
mac: "00:00:00:00:00:01"
ip: ""
image: busybox:latest
command: "curl project-nginx:80" # assuming the deployment name is "project"
There is also the scaling option, to allow defining multiple docker containers from one definition. It cannot exist at the same time as the higher level interfaces section, as it has its own options for this. The following options are supported:
- count:
the number of clones to be made
- interfaces:
optional, a list of bridges and the clone guests assigned to that bridge, each bridge can take a list of clone ids
For example, the following are snippets of the relevant parts possible scaling definitions:
- name: nginx
image: nginx:stable
env_file: docker.env
- source: ${PWD}/html
target: /usr/share/nginx/html
count: 2
clones: [0]
gateway: ""
ip_type: dynamic
from: "00:00:00:00:00:01"
to: "00:00:00:00:00:01"
clones: [1]
gateway: ""
ip_type: dynamic
from: "00:00:00:00:00:02"
to: "00:00:00:00:00:02"
This example creates two nginx containers on different bridges, but they both share the same config - in this case the same set of mounted HTML.
Further notes:
docker containers are assigned an IP address by the testbed statically, meaning their IPs will increment up from the network’s gateway IP.
mounting volumes - absolute paths should be used - but we allow ${PWD} to refer to the project folder where the kvm-compose.yaml file exists, similar to how docker-compose.yaml works
guests inside the network can access the containers by their name through the testbeds DNS server, but from the host you must address them by IP
Machines - AVD
Not yet implemented.
The network section offers the following option, currently only one network schema available:
- ovn:
the main network schema
Under OVN schema the following elements are available:
- switches:
these are the logical switches
- routers:
these are the logical routers
Both of these have different options for creating your logical network topology.
You can create a basic logical switch with the following:
subnet: ""
This logical switch will have the subnet defined as metadata. The subnet doesn’t limit the ip addresses you statically assign, but it is used for other features of OVN such as DHCP.
You can create special logical switches that expose the host’s networking to the logical switch, via the external OVS bridge usually called br-ex. For example:
subnet: ""
- name: ls-public
network_name: public
For this switch, you must specify a port of type localnet that is mapped to the bridge mapping for the br-ex OVS bridge. This means, in the host.json file, you will have defined at least one bridge_mappings value such as:
"bridge_mappings": [
You must use the name public.
Note, to connect switches together, you must use logical routers.
Logical routers allow traffic to flow between logical switches. This can be achieved by creating router ports that will be connected to logical switches. You can also then set static routes to send traffic to specific ports, such as routing traffic to other logical switches or to the internet. These routers are also responsible for providing network address translation (NAT) and dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP).
A basic router with a port on a logical switch can be defined with:
- name: lr0-sw0
mac: "00:00:00:00:ff:01"
gateway_ip: ""
switch: sw0
This definition will create a router port connecting logical router lr0 to logical switch sw0. The port needs a mac address and an IP address. These are important as guests need to know the gateway.
If the router port is to be connected to a switch that is exposing the logical network to a testbed host’s network. This means an extra element is required, similar to the logical switch example above on exposing host networking:
- name: lr0-public
mac: "00:00:20:20:12:13"
gateway_ip: ""
switch: public
set_gateway_chassis: main
You must use the same chassis name for the testbed host that you want to expose the network on. In your host.json file, if the testbed host is named main, you must place main here as well.
No tooling options via the yaml are implemented at the moment.
Testbed Options
No options options via the yaml are implemented at the moment.