Welcome to TestbedOS documentation!
[1] is a testbed for launching virtual machines on abstract topologies to support research and testing.
GitHub repository: https://github.com/Bristol-Cyber-Security-Group/testbed-os
In addition to the tooling in the testbed, we aim to deliver a variety of example test cases that showcase the capability of the testbed as a reference to build your own test cases. The testbed uses yaml files to describe the testbed components to be deployed. The testbed will parse the yaml file and create the artefacts in the yaml file, create the network described in the yaml and then deploy the various virtual machines on this network. These steps are described further in the rest of the documentation.
Please see Getting Started to do the initial configuration of the testbed server before running anything on the testbed.
For guidance on the different topics:
kvm-compose Yaml section for the schema of the yaml file
Orchestration section for the deployment approach
Networking section for information on the network architecture of the testbed
Testbed OS Installation, Testbed Config sections for initial setup before using yaml files to create testbed deployments
To get started with your first test case, see the Examples topic which will walk you through a minimal test case building up a kvm-compose Yaml file.